1. Not everyone can Kung Fu
2. When two Chinese people are talking loudly, they are not quarreling
3. A group of people gather together after dinner in open place, they are not going to engaged in a gang-war, they are just line-dancing
4. When Chinese say, let’s have a meal together next time, maybe it’s just the same as how’s the weather
(photo from news.wehefei.com)
5. Do not drink the tap water directly, drink boiled water. Many Chinese like drinking hot water
6. When two girls walk hand in hand or two boys clap each others’ hip, they are not Les or gay, they are just close friends
7. Chinese food is the best in the world
8. There are 56 nations in china and each varies in customs. So do not sum up all the Chinese.
9. We admit certain bad behavior of a few Chinese but please believe we are improving
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