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2012 NUAA ' Crazy, Hot, Wild' Culture Dance Held Among Foreign Students

It was a night to remember in the history of NUAA's  long road to bridging the gap between students...

Suhaib Award Ceremony

Student Dahai Pop Talent Show,

These guys killed the night with thier spectacular pop dance performance on the NGT ShowPop Dance.

        Just cant find the right words to describe this beautiful & romantic scene..NGT 2012 was filled with love

Pakistan Students' Culture Dance

Wow, Boy Student with Dress ,this is too crazy, cool

Mustafe, Somalia Student, Sing a Chinese Song. Really u r the Superstar, Chinese Superstar! Gorgeous!

The crowds chose not to be left out of the performances as they raise hands to give answers and ask questions and make funny one guys Go Wild!

All you guys here , you are the winners! , because u win the stage, you win everybody !