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Ke Jia Style Fry Egg ( Fu Yung Egg )
By admin on 2014-12-12

Fu Yung Dan
fu yung dan   (Mandarin)



Egg    5 pcs
Green Bean Sprout    50 g

Dry Shrimps    1 tbsp
Red Tomato    1/3 pc

Salt    1/2 tbsp
Chicken Stock    2 tbsp
Sesame      dash

Spring Onion    1 stalk


1)  Wash and soak dry shrimps by warm water, chop the spring onion

2)  Remove seeds of tomato, chop into small pieces 
3)  Boil the green bean sprout with 1/2 tbsp of salt, take up for use
4)  Whisk the egg with 1/2 tbsp of salt and chicken shock
5)  Add chopped tomato, dry shrimps and green bean sprout, mix well   
6)  Heat the wok with 2 tbsp of oil, fry egg both sizes until golden, dish up
7)  Sprinkle sesame and chopped spring onion on surface, serve


tbsp -     table spoon

If you don't like green bean sprout, you can use shredded white fungus

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