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Shipping Opinions for Moving to China

2009/2/10 10:27:00

If you are going to be in China on a short-term basis, you may be able to fit what you need to bring within the confines of your airline luggage allotment. If not, assess the extra weight and do a comparison between your airline’s cost for excess baggage weight and the cost of mailing the extra items to your address in China.   If, however, you are moving to China on a long-term commitme...

Chinese can Lead American-syle Life

2009/2/6 13:34:00

The rapid growth of the Chinese economy is of great concern. For a majority Chinese people, dramatic lifestyle changes have mirrored the direction the economy is developing. In Beijing, there're huge new building sites for luxury housing complexes - places with names like Grand Hills, Riviera, or, leaving no doubt about the analogy, Yosemite Park.   China's new rich can buy a fully packag...

Tips on Shopping in China

2009/2/5 16:20:00

 Bargaining Shopping in China is funny, just like playing games between the seller and the buyer. In order to buy satisfied goods at a cheap or proper price, you may have to learn some rules.   1. Learn a few catch phrases: Open the conversation with catch phrases like Ni hao ma?, (How are you?) or a Duo shao qian?, (How much?). It will ease you up to the bargaining ...

Traffic Situation in China

2009/2/4 17:21:00

   Bus rideChinese people are very tolerant of foreigners. Even the strangest behaviors are often accepted. The first rule in almost all situations you can get into in China is: don't lose your temper! Patience and politeness always go further than cursing and shouting.   The simplest option for getting from point A to point B in Chinese cities is a taxi. However, ...

Chinese People Enjoy Improved Living Standards

2009/2/4 13:25:00

China is undergoing remarkable and rapid change. Many of the older people have lived through times of incredible hardship and famine.  Now economic prosperity is spreading, but there remains big differences between rural areas and the big cities, and between coast areas and inland. In some of the more remote regions there are still people who cannot even afford themselves. However, as ...

Tips on Healthy Eating

2009/2/3 13:42:00

 Here are some tips for how to choose foods that improve your health and avoid foods that raise your risk for illnesses while creating a diet plan that works for you.   Take in enough calories but not too many. Keep a balance between your calorie intake and calorie consumption. The average recommended daily allowance is 2,000 calories, but this depends on your age, height, we...

Eating less Improves Memory Among the Elderly

2009/2/2 14:18:00

A new study said cutting calories may improve memory among healthy elderly men and women. Researchers found that people who cut their calorie intake by about 30 percent performed better on standard memory tests after just three months.   Animal studies have shown that diets low in calories and rich in unsaturated fatty acids are beneficial to brain function, helping to improve memory in a...

How to See a Doctor in China

2009/2/1 16:37:00

Seeing a doctor The first thing you should know about local medical services is the emergency call number. You can dial 120 from anywhere. An ambulance will normally arrive in a few minutes but traffic conditions can cause delays.    The ambulance will take you to one of the city emergency centers or the particular hospital you've asked for. There may be one named on yo...

Constant Walking to Relieve Blocked Leg Arteries

2009/1/15 14:20:00

     Walking on a treadmill   Regular six-minute walks on a treadmill improve the endurance and quality of life for people with the leg blood-vessel blockage called peripheral arterial disease (PAD), a new study said. Over the six months, the participants who did their regular six-minute treadmill walks increased their walking distance, while those who did...

Cold Weather may Raise Blood Pressure of the Old

2009/1/14 11:47:00

 Testing the blood pressure The new study shows when the temperature drops outside, blood pressure appears to rise for the old.   The systolic (top number) and diastolic (bottom number) blood pressures both rise and fall, with the change of seasons. That is the survey result from the 8,801 people, aged 65 or older. The average systolic blood pressure was five points hig...

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