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Eating less Improves Memory Among the Elderly

A new study said cutting calories may improve memory among healthy elderly men and women. Researchers found that people who cut their calorie intake by about 30 percent performed better on standard memory tests after just three months.
Animal studies have shown that diets low in calories and rich in unsaturated fatty acids are beneficial to brain function, helping to improve memory in aging rats.
50 normal- to overweight individuals whose average age was 60 years were divided into three groups. One group restricted by up to 30 percent the amount of calories they consumed; a second group increased their consumption of unsaturated fatty acids by up to 20 percent; and a third group, serving as the control group, made no changes.
According to the investigators, the calorie-restricted group saw a significant 20 percent average increase in verbal memory scores after 3 months. In contrast, no significant changes in memory performance emerged in the two other groups.
The investigators also noticed that memory improvements in the calorie-restricted group correlated with decreases in insulin levels and "biomarkers" of inflammation in the body, and that these changes were most pronounced in those individuals who stuck closest to the prescribed calorie-restricted diet.
The current results provide the first experimental evidence in humans that caloric restriction improves memory in the elderly, and may help to develop new prevention and treatment strategies for maintaining cognitive health into old age.
Source: China Daily
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