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Where to Go Shopping in China

Grand Gateway Mall-One of the Biggest Malls in Shanghai  

From the roadside stall to the big-scale modern shopping mall, from the common store to a popular supermarket, China has various places for foreigners to satisfy their shopping needs.  
Department Stores
Shopping in China is easy and convenient, as many department stores can be easily found. These stores differ in terms of size and level, depending on the city and the area. But terms inside these department stores are expensive, some of which can be obtained at a much cheaper common stores.  
Shopping Mall
In the busy streets of the downtown area, there are large-scale and high-class emporiums, in which not only the domestic brands but also many well-known international brands can be found. Bargaining is seldom acceptable, but there are often special promotions or end-of-season sales with an attractive price.
Business Street
Most large and distinctive Chinese cities, like Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, feature special business streets, where local products are on sale.
The western-style supermarket is common now in China due to its convenience, competitive price and products. Many world-famous supermarket chains like Wal-Mart, Carrefour and Metro entered the Chinese market in most of the larger Chinese cities.
Bargain Market
If you want to buy something cheap and nice at a much lower price, the bargain market is your best choice. Almost all the Chinese cities have such places for you to fossick through things. Generally speaking the goods here are not as superior as in the shops or malls, but this does not rule out those which are still of high quality.
Shopping Online
As the new-fashioned way to shop, online-shopping is now widely accepted. Young people especially like to shop online. The price is also competitive compared with that in the shops. The well-known Chinese online shopping websites like Sohu, Sina, Netease, Ebay, Joyo and Dangdang offer you a normal and legal online trading platform.